investing in

Welcome to VSeattle
We help fund local
startups and small
Adolph Furtado
AI (Activist Investor)

Business Owner. Real Estate Broker. Licensed Professional Engineer with over 2 decades of experience. Proven track record of successfully leading teams on complex, large scale projects.


Leave the world better than you found it. At VSeattle, we strive to help businesses that are committed to making the future better for the next generation by being flexible in our approach on how to help a business in the ever changing fast-paced world.


At VSeattle, we believe that you should Work to Live, not Live to Work.  At the end of the day, Family and Friends are the most important. We treat the businesses we work with like our children, and are committed to making ethical decisions. We want to help our businesses be able to stand on their own.


A person has Haves, Needs and Wants. You have what you have, but really only need Air, Water, Food, & Shelter.  Money is want you need to ensure you have these things.  The primary needs of a business are usually Money & Guidance, and we can provide both quickly and efficiently.


We advocate for innovation by cultivating a dynamic andcosystem for all participants, guaranteeing that everyone engaged is stimulated and empowered to contribute novel ideas.


in success

Our investment approach is rooted in close collaboration, fostering strong relationships with each of our portfolio companies. We provide more than just funding; we offer invaluable guidance, industry insights, and a supportive network to help our partners achieve sustainable growth and long-term success.

Furtado & Associates was among the initial companies led by Adolph Furtado, in 2006. In 2022, it was sold to a private buyer.  To facilitate the acquisition, Adolph structured a deal that was mutually beneficial to both parties, to ensure the legacy of the Company would continue on.  During his tenure, the Company grew from 12 employees to almost 50.

Bridger Brewing is fledging craft brewer in Montana, in which we have part ownership, and provide guidance as needed/requested. To support the planned future development of the area, VSeattle also invested and became part owner of the Utility District in the area.

Zenlife was originally
created in 2009 to be an exclusive distributor for a Korea product; however, during the R&D phase, the viability of the product being successful was questionable. Therefore, the company pivoted and became a real estate investment firm, which capitalized on the housing downturn in 2009-2010 by buying distressed and forclosed properties. Zenlife is the financial arm of VSeattle, and will be the one to fund any loans businesses may need.

Ready for Funding?

Our Funding Process

If you feel like you need help with your existing business or have an idea about starting a new business, contact us for help by completing the form at the bottom.  You will see that we are looking for some basic information, and after we receive it, we will send you an email about the next steps.  It’s that easy!

Please put a lot of thought into your form submission, since this is the first impression we will get from you.  If you are in need of money, don’t be too optimistic or pessimistic; be as reasonable as you can be. We are not a charity, so if we decide to invest, we want to protect our investment as best as we can. Therefore, we may look for Personal Guarantees, collateral of some kind, kidneys, etc…  Don’t worry we won’t ask for your first born. I have two teenage kids, which are enough of a handful.

for funding?

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We will email you our decision in 24 hours :)
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